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Track Details (Track Details page glossary)
TitleI'm Looking Through You (1987 stereo re-mix)
ArtistThe Beatles
VocalsP Authorship  L/M Time  0:02:20 Recorded  11/10/1965 Order in day11
Initally released onCD: Rubber Soul Release date04/30/1987 Release StatusOfficial
Primary location in my collectionCD: Rubber Soul (2009 Stereo Remaster)
The difference is that this one has a false start that was left off the British LP. The mono mix doesn't have it but the US stereo mix does however the fade out is slightly shorter in the stereo mix. Some overdubs were added the following day. This mix created specifically for the CD release of Rubber Soul and has Paul's vocal closer to the center of the mix.

© Mark Lawson (since 2004). All rights reserved.