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Track Details (Track Details page glossary)
TitleLong Long Long (stereo mix)
ArtistThe Beatles
VocalsG Authorship  H Time  0:03:02 Recorded  10/07/1968 Order in day3
Initally released onLP: The Beatles (UK stereo) Release date11/22/1968 Release StatusOfficial
Primary location in my collectionCD: The Beatles (aka The White Album) (2009 Stereo Remaster)
Overdubs of a second acoustic guitar track, bass and manually double tracked lead vocal added on the following day. Paul's backing vocal and a piano overdub were added on Ocober 9, 1968. John was not present on any sessions for this song. Doubletracking starts at the first "long" in the stereo mix, but in the third "long" in this mono mix, and then it sounds somewhat different thereafter. In the mono mix the rhythm guitar is softer but the lead guitar is louder, especially in the later part of the song. Take 67 was used to create the master.

© Mark Lawson (since 2004). All rights reserved.