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Track Details (Track Details page glossary)
TitleSomething (45 mono reduced version)
ArtistThe Beatles
VocalsG Authorship  H Time  0:02:59 Recorded  05/02/1969 Order in day4
Initally released on45: Something/Come Together (Australia) Release date10/16/1969 Release StatusOfficial
Primary location in my collection45: Something/Come Together (Australia)
Recording of overdubs on this remake take 36 started on May 5, 1969 when George and Paul retaped their guitar and bass tracks respectively. On July 11, 1969 George added lead vocals and it was mixed into stereo and a (later omitted) instrumental ending part was shortened and at this point it was called take 37. More vocal, backing vocal, and handclapping overdubs were added on July 16, 1969 and it became take 39. String overdubs were added on August 15, 1969. This was George's first (and last) A sided 45 with The Beatles. In the UK and Europe The Ballad Of John And Yoko/Old Brown Shoe was the first single issued in stereo though in Australia and some other countries the stereo mix was reduced to mono for subsequent single releases.

© Mark Lawson (since 2004). All rights reserved.